External Placements
External Placements - Degree in Law and Degree in Labour Relations
External placements are a training activity that students may undertake with UIB supervision. The aim is to apply and supplement the knowledge acquired on degree programmes whilst gaining professional skills in the field of law.
The UIB has agreements with legal practices, different professionals in the legal field, the Balearic Islands Public Prosecutor's Office and with companies and institutions where curricular or extracurricular placements may be undertaken. Students may also join the UIB Legal Clinic: this project offers free legal advice to non-profit institutions to guarantee their right of access to justice.
There are two forms of external placements:
Curricular Placements
These placements are set out in the Degree in Law curriculum and fully managed by the Faculty of Law.
Students need to have passed at least 120 credits to apply for these placements, which last a minimum of 150 hours.
Successful completion of these placements leads to the award of 6 elective credits with a pass mark.
Extracurricular Placements
These placements are undertaken voluntarily by students during their degree, although they are not included in the Curriculum, and they may lead to the award of 6 elective credits with a pass mark only if so specified in the programme.
This type of placement is managed by the Careers Guidance and Placement Department (DOIP) and the Faculty of Law.
These placements, as well as being educational, qualify for a scholarship from the company or institution.
Legal Clinic - Degree in Law
The Legal Clinic is a university project that enables practical learning for Law Degree students so that they can work on real cases whilst providing a service to the community in defending public interest and, specifically, the universal right to access to justice.
Students at the Legal Clinic welcome and provide service to users under the supervision of a tutor lawyer to resolve their legal queries in a personalised way. At times, students will refer users to the free legal aid service, processing the application from the Clinic; at others, students will help applicants to fill out documentation and understand certain legal documents, offer advice on current proceedings and the possibility of presenting complaints, amongst other issues raised by users, and in short, enable users to know their rights and understand legal procedures so that they benefit fully from their right of defence.
The Clinic is available for students who have passed 120 credits on the Degree in Law. Successful completion of their Clinic experience as per the established procedure leads to the recognition of their curricular external placements and, where applicable, the award of 6 elective credits with a pass mark.